
Happy New Year! Many of you are making resolutions and setting goals. I was having the discussion with my son on his goals and many were centred around money. This led to the discussion on whether money is a motivator or a de-motivator. Having spent many years in sales, I have found money a de-motivator. In fact, if you think about it you give money away. Here's $2, thanks here's a coffee, here's $500, thanks here's a TV, here's $2.2 million, thanks here's a house in Vancouver that I paid $15k for in 1978 still in it's original condition, but if you want to give me $2.2 million for it, here's a house. Guess what happens to the $2.2 million when the guy who sold it passes away? He gives it away. Money may not be the motivator, but it has value because of the time you invest to earn it. So TIME is what you value, but what is time's value? The value of time is so BIG that you can't even think of a number that big. It doesn't exist and if you can't put a value on something one might think it is FREE. Yet time is not free, it is the most precious commodity you have because you can't make more of it. How much money, water, food, exercise, even air, etc you need is JUST ENOUGH, but TIME is short. You don't have enough of it and you know this. That's why it is upsetting to have time lost, wasted or disrespected. Goal setting is a great way to set a direction so you know where you are going and not waste time getting there. Set goals high enough that stretch you, but not too high they can't be reached. Once you reach your goal set a new one even higher. Tell all your support group what your goal is and they will help you achieve it. Wishing you good fortune, may all your dreams come true.
Happy New Year!
Lurinda Rinehart
LifeStrong Consulting - Higher results faster.
The Coaching Professionals